Stay Home, Stay Connected, Keep Growing
A virtual series for academic societies and publishers
May 21, 2020
The virtual series Stay Home, Stay Connected, Keep Growing! (#SSKvirtual2020) by Cactus Communications (CACTUS) was conducted over 21-22 May 2020. In two power-packed days, this FREE online event brought together KOLs and thought leaders from the scholarly communications industry to discuss and share ideas to answer questions such as:
- What are publishers currently doing to tap into the digital transformation?
- What social strategies should academic societies adopt to build and support member engagement?
- How can AI be applied in today’s editorial office, and how can we ensure the human touch remains in all interactions with authors?
- How can publishers and academic societies support their researchers better in these times to build a social community that fosters collaboration and fulfils a sense of mission and membership?
Thank you to everyone who attended and made this event such a success! A special thank you to our conference chair, session organizers, and all the panelists who made the sessions so enjoyable and interactive.
If you missed these discussions, we now have recordings of all the sessions available—feel free to watch anytime.
Session 1
Scholarly publishing in the era of digital transformation: How publishers are leveraging the wave of social and digital for greater impact
Gain practical understanding of the nature of the digital transformation that is taking place with respect to “social” interaction and scholarly collaborative networks
Session organizer: Harini Calamur, Head, Impact Science, CACTUS (Connect on LinkedIn)
- Dominque de Roo , Global Marketing Director, Brill (Connect on LinkedIn)
- John Pescatore, Managing Director, Publications & Content, Academy of Management (Connect on LinkedIn)
- Sonia Kolasinska, Digital Marketing Manager, Elsevier (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Thomas Wang, Director, Wiley China (Connect on LinkedIn)
*Viewers from China can access the recording here.
Session 2
Society science communication: Connecting published research and public outreach
How academic societies are strategizing their outreach programs to communicate member research to greater society
Session organizer: Tayllor Stumpe, Manager, Society and Institutional Partnerships, CACTUS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Meagan Phelan, Executive Director of the Science Press Package, AAAS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Olivia Ambrogio, Manager of Sharing Science, American Geophysical Union (Connect on Twitter)
*Viewers from China can access the recording here.
Session 3
Scholarly communications: Where advocacy and social community intersect
Building a “social community” in a world of “physical distancing”
Session organizer: Donald Samulack, Head, Global Stakeholder Engagement, CACTUS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Alice Meadows, Director of Community Engagement, National Information Standards Organization (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Angela Cochran, Managing Director and Publisher, American Society of Civil Engineers (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Elizabeth Landau, Director, Public Affairs, American Geophysical Union (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction, University Library; Affiliate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
*Viewers from China can access the recording here.
Session 4
Joy and stress triggers in academia: Amplifying the voice of researchers to create a more positive research culture
The mental health crisis in academia and the role academic societies should play in supporting researchers better
Session organizer: Clarinda Cerejo, VP, Content and Community, CACTUS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Fanuel Muindi, Assistant Director, Graduate Studies, Harvard University; Co-Founder, STEM Advocacy Institute (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Karen Stroobants, Board Member, Marie Curie Alumni Association; Co-founder, MetisTalk (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Mary McMillan, Lecturer, University of New England; Mental Health Advocate; Women in STEM Advocate (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
*Viewers from China can access the recording here.
Session 5
Preprints, AI, and editorial workflows: A combination to revolutionize journal publishing—but then what?
A practical overview of the general AI landscape and as it pertains to academic publishing—removing all the hype!
Session organizer: Christopher Leonard, Director of Product, CACTUS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Alberto Pepe, Wiley; Co-founder, Authorea (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Iratxe Puebla, Associate Director, ASAPbio (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Neil Blair Christensen,Director of Sales, UNSILO, CACTUS (Connect on Twitter and LinkedIn)
*Viewers from China can access the recording here.
Stay Home, Stay Connected, Keep Growing
A virtual series for academic societies and publishers
May 21-22, 2020
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