

WFH essentials: boosting employee engagement is the key mantra

Yashmi Pujara

Chief Human Resources Officer

July 15, 2020

With rapid outbreak of the novel coronavirus globally, businesses across sectors are facing severe challenges in order to get things back on track. Currently, the most crucial part for all the organizations worldwide is to focus on their employees’ well-being, as well as to keep them engaged and motivated while continuing to work remotely. Due to the spread of the pandemic, there has been a dynamic shift in working patterns, in India and across the globe. The workplace, for most people if not all, has changed from corporate offices to their homes. Even with things returning to ‘normal’ in some parts of the world, work-from-home (WFH) seems to be the new norm. Giants in major sectors have announced WFH until further notice and many companies are considering moving a part of their employee base to a permanent WFH model.

With this novel concept of ‘long-term WFH’ coming into the picture, the erstwhile model, which was all about physical presence in office and face-to-face communication, is being challenged. Leaders are summoned to reimagine work in a way that can fit into people’s lives seamlessly, without hampering their well-being and productivity. On the other hand, measures of performance and rewards are also undergoing a shift. Adapting to these changes will require efforts from both the employees’ and the employers’ side.

Though employees have now started adjusting to the concept of working remotely and meeting objectives without getting their personal lives hampered, it becomes imperative for organizations to prioritize the overall health of their employees during these challenging times. It is important for organizations to find ways to keep their employees engaged through constant communication by leaders/managers/HR, knowledge sharing sessions, orientations to mindfulness, regular appreciation and recognition to keep them motivated now that the line between office and home is losing its distinction. One of the keyways to keep people motivated while working from homes over a prolonged period is to focus on social connections and increase these meaningful employee engagements.

Many organizations are facing issues in creating a professional work environment at home for their employees. There are multiple challenges being faced regularly, the most important one being ensuring that their employees are well connected and fully engaged in this new WFH environment. In such uncertain times when business continuity and job security are at the top of everyone’s mind, stress and anxiety among employees is common and needs to be addressed with empathy. Collective efforts and timely decisions along with some innovative measures by the top management can help in ensuring that the workforce is equipped to continue businesses as usual and meet client expectations without obstacles. It is also critical for organizations to take measures for the mental health of their workforce and boost employee morale by providing them an open platform to communicate through which they can share their limitations and get help accordingly. Many of the employees have been struggling to maintain their work-life balance in this situation and this is the time for organizations to devise solutions that will help their employees, without impeding much of their routine. There is also a growing need to implement creative ideas through which companies can engage employees and their families together.

A part of the organization’s responsibility will also be to keep its employees updated on all relevant information on how COVID-19 is impacting their work and the larger business from time to time. With such updates, employees will be able to keep themselves away from rumours and false information and equip themselves for the changes adequately. This also serves as a discussion point for people to start sharing ideas and suggestions, ask questions, and support each other. Above all, trust and transparency in communication along with patience and empathy are much needed in times like these and organizations will do well if they imbibe these in the way they work and interact with employees.

The author, Yashmi Pujara, is CHRO at Cactus Communications.


Article originally published by The Economic Times on (July 15, 2020)

By Yashmi Pujara


Chief Human Resources Officer

Yashmi Pujara entered field of HR after spending a decade in marketing. Over 15 years at CACTUS, she has played multiple roles in Human Resources and Organization Development and has led initiatives spanning organizational culture, values, talent, performance, reward, and leadership development. She has been instrumental in shaping a unique culture at CACTUS and played an important role in conceptualizing and implementing their people policies, which has brought recognition to the organization through awards like Great Place to Work (ranked #1 among Mid-sized Organizations in 2017), Best Organization for Women Empowerment, among the Top 10 Safe Places to Work, and among the Best Companies for Millennials in 2019.

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